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Different viewpoint. different medium.

Due to the pandemic, I am considering sending my work out for one last peice of testing. It will be interesting to see if children and teachers respond to my work in a more moving visual way.

I will also use this as a tool for my current stakeholders and future investors in my work.

I gave my manuscript to one of my students, it was then recorded an imported into adobe audition.

I played around witha few filters to achieve a child like voice. It was only created through using Powerpoint and Quicktime. The next iteration will be more powerful and will be of a more broadcast quality.

It is very interesting in watching my concepts come to life and other peoples interpretations.

One thing that I have had to relinquish during this project is my need to manage and control every aspect of the creative process. By letting go, I feel I've grown and an immense feeling of trust has been built, particularly in working with young collaborators. As I've mentioned before in my learning log, a big part of this project and over arching theme has been to help develop and mentor more inexperienced people.

It has been so rewarding in being able to help with this cycle of mentoring.

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