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Writer's pictureAndy Moore

Innovative heroes

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

When we least expect them.

Victoria Derbyshire who is leading a lot of the BBC coverage very courageously held her hand up to give the abuse hotline number for those that are suffering with someone where they currently live. Being indoors, during lockdown is a hard thing to endure but imagine it with someone who controls your very movement.

I think it’s absolutely fascinating how we are developing new techniques and platforms to help the people that need it, particularly with this innovative and maverick approach. It’s almost like she would get into severe trouble or even be accused of a lack of professionalism for it but nothing will ever be the same again when it comes to news and a new found unity within our society. It frightens me to death that there are adults and even worse children that are having to spend time with dominant manipulative bullies throughout this whine crisis. Makes me so sad. And with courage like this we can help protect the vulnerable.

For anyone who needs it - National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808-2000-247

Post update - 11.4.20

A continuation on from this, would be the story surrounding Emily Maitlis, another BBC journalist and presenter of Newsnight stepped in with her views on coronavirus being the great leveller, for all parts of society.

“You do not survive the illness through fortitude and strength of character, whatever the Prime Minister’s colleagues will tell us,”

Again this is a courageous step to take, being that currently the Prime Minister is recovering from Covid-19. Maitlis went on. “They tell us coronavirus is the ‘great leveler’, it’s not, it’s much, much harder if you’re poor…this is a myth which needs debunking,” she commented earlier in the program. “Those who have been on the front line right now, bus drivers, shelf stackers, nurses, care home workers, hospital staff and shopkeepers are disproportionately the lower paid members of our workforce. They are more likely to catch the disease because they are more exposed. “Those who live in tower blocks and small flats will find the lockdown tougher. Those in manual jobs will be unable to work from home. This is a health issue with huge ramifications for social welfare, and it’s a welfare issue with huge ramifications for public health,” Maitlis added.

This is a powerful statement from Maitlis and it echoes my point on Victoria Derbyshire and the bravery she showed. Would these presenters have taken such an individualistic approach before all of the Coronavirus has happened? The role of mentor, champion, role model and hero will have a different meaning once this crisis has come to pass.

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