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MAJOR STAKEHOLDER - The Guernsey Institute

STAKEHOLDER - The Guernsey Institute.

I'm very happy to announce that I will be submitting plans of my mentoring scheme to The Guernsey institute. This has taken weeks for everything to come to fruition, however it would appear that the hard work is paying off.

From the start of this course, I have found it hard in some respects to separate what I wanted to do on the course and how I wanted to develop professional. That is not to say that the two paths cannot cross. I just felt at the commencement of this course that I perhaps wanted to start a new career trajectory.

The way things have unfolded has enabled me to see that wherever this leads for me professionally, I can carry on helping people long after I leave teaching and in fact mentoring and learning never stops. The power in mentoring is the continued cycle of growth.

For this week, I had arranged an online meeting with Jacki Hughes, the new Executive Principal for the Guernsey institute. A new venture which will replace Institute will replace the College of Further Education, the Institute of Health & Social Care Studies and the GTA from July 2019.

The meeting lasted nearly an hour, and I was very thankful that Jacki gave me the time. This could be a major step forward in my project and the content I want to deliver. I talked over some ideas with Jacki, both in terms of my profession and my M.A. project. Jacki has over 30 years of educational experience and I could Immediately tell that her knowledge of the post 16 sector would be invaluable to my project. I found her very approachable and honest and she listened to my ideas very attentively. I suggested to Jacki, that I gather my proposals and submit them to her within the next few weeks.

It is clear from my research in Unit 2, that there is scope and development in implementing a mentoring scheme between Guernsey and the U.K. The questionnaire that I conducted concluded that there needs to be better support for learners who wish to progress into Higher Education. There is clearly not a lot of support currently on offer and that is what I want to help rectify.

It has helped alleviate some of the stress of finding suitable stakeholders. It is also especially important for me as it involves Guernsey and I could be involved in helping to implement a positive change for the Island. This is happily coinciding with Jacki's appointment and the new educational structure that is being set up on the Island.

I have also been in contact with The Dean of Faculty at South Essex College of F.E. and H.E. and he would like for me to set up a meeting with Jacki, so we are able to discuss a mentoring scheme set between overseas study.

There is also the possibility unifying my current employers and Guernsey institute, to encourage a more aspirational journey of study, which would be supported with the framework of bespoke mentoring to include all aspects of society. I want to be able to devote time and considerable thought to this possible unification of Guernsey, my profession and my M.A. Project. I’m very excited about the future and who this may be able to help.

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