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My Leadership and the Festival

Although this years Festival will take place entirely online, I am very excited about how it will unfold and what the speakers will say. There was at first some initial disappointment that there would be no physical involvement but we soon realised that this gave us a new opportunity to try something different. The team that have contributed have put on a good schedule. We have an eclectic mix from the Creative Industries, who will be talking around the theme of empathy.

The concept of the show was mine and the purpose behind it was to demonstrate that although we have all suffered in our own individual way, there is always someone worse off than you. This year has been the year, where we really do begin to understand the struggles that some people have had.

This is the time to walk in another's shoes and to be thankful for what we have.

​As we draw nearer, it is a shame that more of the group did not get involved. Sometimes it's easier to avoid participating if everything is done through digital communication. I did think at times that perhaps because I was a little older that some of the students felt intimidated but I always tried to ensure that I had open and discussions with everyone. It's hard to criticise at times like this but there have been moments when I felt like I had been doing the majority of the work. I can't deny that I enjoy being part of the decision making and direction that the show is taking. I very much enjoyed last years show and looking forward to seeing how ours will compare. Below is the PowerPoint I put together in order to present to students, tutors and future potential Stakeholders, as well as the guest speakers line up and information.

In all I have organised 5 speakers for the event. I think we have some very inspirational speakers and I am hoping some very interesting strands of conversation and debate will come up.

It's less than two weeks to go to our Festival and I am quite anxious about how it will work in terms of technology and keeping the event engaging and relevant to our chosen topic.

I couldn't have done anymore in getting the show off the ground. It is an opportunity to be involved in something that may not happen the same way again.

Fingers crossed for a great show!

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