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New knowledge, new perspectives

I've created a Kindle Publishing account and now entering into many unknown areas. I'm fearful and anxious about making sure I create a product that I can be proud of but that also one that fulflls the requirements and expectations that I have set myself. Yes, I'm apprehensive but in no way hesitant.

It's nearly time for my book to go online!

I've found out so much over the past few weeks about formatting, editing and the publishing world in general. The plan in the next few weeks is to purchase an ISBN number and have my book ready an available for purchase. In some ways this is a non-commercial venture and I will see how things play out.

I've been sourcing new fonts and working with page layouts. I'm not sure I will be able to get all of this done before my final submission but I don't think the tutors are too concerned with this.

For many years I have dealt with educational practitioners and my own personal creative outlets have also sprung up some nice surprises and I have uncovered some things about myself over the past few years. I'm a professional musician too and this world is very different to my 9 to 5 environment.

So far, everyone I have encountered has been so positive. I'm not sure if this is down particularly to the theme of my book or if I'm a bit green around the edges. Nonetheless, I have received tremendous support and in some ways it has re-ignited my love for people and the selfless way. It truly has been outstanding.

My perspectives on people have changed throughout this project. We all have a certain agenda don't we? A drive to look after our own estate? That's certainly how I have felt on some occasions

The free time and patience given by people to my work has been truly uplifting and I will not forget it.

There have also been some humorous upsides too. Many authors who have 'helped me' cannot help themselves in making sure they plug their own book back to me. I find this sweet and endearing and I wonder if it's a way to remind themselves of the accomplishment of writing a book. t does remind one of someone on a TV show 'plugging' their book.

There is of course so much more to learn. If I am to pursue this as a career then I have several questions to ask myself. Am I able to do my own illustrations? Can I expand into adult literature? Can these books become part of a series? There is also huge benefits in that the stakeholders that I have met through the project have opened up alternative doorways for me. These new opportunities feel like a weight has been lifted. I feel more engaged with my creativity than I have done for many years. This new learning through observation, research and experience gained have opened up a new chapter in my life.

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