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Treatments - My two ideas

I'm really unsure as to which idea to fully focus on, so I've decided to continue with both.

Bonnie and the Bear.

The Magic Doorway

I have written a treatment / synopsis for each.

These drawings were created with colour pencils and post was in photoshop.

My next iterations will be lighter in tone.

Bonnie and the Bear

Bonnie is hopping along through the forest with his Mummy, when across their travels they encounter a very angry Bear in a tree. The Bear is growling and shouting at whatever animals pass his way and he seems very angry indeed.

On the way home, Bonnie begins, to worry that the Bear was only angry with him. He asks his mummy throughout the evening if he had done anything to upset the Bear. Rather than talk to Bonnie or address the Bear’s angry nature, his Mummy tries to turn his attention away from it.

Nevertheless, Bonnie becomes more and more upset and begins to cry. Eventually Mummy speaks to Bonnie to tell him that sometimes the world and people can get angry at things and he is not too blame. Bonnie accepts this and becomes happy again.

This book will help mentor and encourage parents into early and open communication with their children about others mental health. It is a book about acceptance, empathy and helping children overcome anxiety, should they witness something traumatic.

The Magic Doorway.

Lilli’s is 6 but her parents don’t live together anymore.

Lilli lives mostly with her Mum but sometimes stays with her Dad.

Follow Lilli as she shows you around her favourite places at Mum and Dads houses. From Mums polka dot plates to Dads creaky bathroom door! In between both houses we have a ‘magic doorway’, a place where Mum and Dad can have a catch up and tell each other what Lilli has been up to!

Lilli is happy that Mum and Dad don’t argue anymore, which allows her to concentrate on the important things in life, like what treats to get at the sweet shop!

This book is to empower and mentor parents into creating a ‘calm and settling’ doorway/space, to enable children to make the transition from house to house a lot easier.

The ‘magic doorway’ to encourage a healthier and more positive relationship between parents and to allow their children the freedom to be themselves in whatever environment they are in.

I've also had a go at my own illustration for the time being. This is before I start to pay for a proper illustrator. If I am going to pursue this as a career after my Masters, then it would be more beneficial to me if I am able to create my own artwork. Creatively I would enjoy it and I would also have a faster process and way of working.

As you can see from the illustrations and iterations, my drawings appear to be quite dark in tone. These images would be more suitable for an older demographic, which is not what I want. I am aiming theses books to a younger audience of 3-7 year olds.

I'll keep going and research more into imagery for a younger audience.

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