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Writer's pictureAndy Moore

Peer mentoring - With a little help from our friends -

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

The best place to start for this would be by contacting the very people who have gone through this experience very recently. I had some great advice. Yes there maybe some biases surrounding the topic and people involved but I thought it would be invaluable to get help from former alumni of the course.

It has given me a clearer insight into what changes I should perhaps do.

1. Do you think I have covered a variety of research methods?

Definitely, the videos - accompanied by your introduction and reflections definitely cover more than one research method and they demonstrate action research very well. Keep building on what you are already doing.

2. Is there any type of research, you think I haven’t covered yet?

So far no - but going through your learning log has inspired me to check over my own during this lockdown period. I’ll bookmark this question in case there's anything in particular that comes to mind.

3. Is my current question clear and indicates what my project is about?

Very clear and it provides a clear indication to your project - your content is also cohesive, which is good.

4. Is my learning log clear in my progress of research and interventions?

It is and I can see your heading in the right direction with the way you organise and communicate. Moving into Unit 3 clearly including academic research that backs up theory - or even challenges it, could create excellent dialogue and critical learning points - a good element for discovering new knowledge.Challenging your own bias using academic research and critique from trusted sources (experts) could help strengthen your ideas.

Doing this as part of your progress, in the same clear and progressive manner you have begun to cultivate - is my only suggestion.

5. Are there any other tips you could give me for the submission of unit 2 I.e. Did you make any mistakes? The submission of unit 2 is a presentation of your journey - of application. Don’t worry about making mistakes, there really aren't any - which is the total beauty of the AI journey. It’s about doing stuff and learning from it. The fact that you are doing interventions is the most important thing ever! My only regret is not doing more interventions! I held back and that was my own personal ‘mistake’ - or learning. If I did it again, I wouldn’t hold back. So my advice to you is - don’t hold back at all. Create, just keep your delivery / info for learning log clear and relevant.

6. What was the best and worst thing you learnt from the transition from unit 2 to 3? The best thing I learned was that interventions don’t just suddenly stop in unit 3. They can continue to evolve. The worst thing I learned from the transition was that I wasn’t using my learning log as the tool it needed to be for me to feel content. You appear to be doing a good job - keep it up!

I’ve included my presentation and learning log.

It’s been great reading through it and can totally relate to certain things - like guiding / mentoring others and the leap into higher education coming from a family that isn’t necessarily academic.

Also I’d love to hear more about your projects!

My project asked the question ‘Can we make New connections between Soil, Food & Fashion?’ my interventions started off well but then into unit 3 I held back too much and really needed to evidence my interventions in a way that was innovative and made better use of technology as my tutor couldn’t grasp some of the themes. It was a huge learning experience for me and made me reflect on visual presentation and language. I also didn’t include my very solid academic research at the critical times it was required - hence my advice to you :)

I went to the show last year but didn’t see everyones.

My boxes contained some of my conceptual work that was formed from an intervention - a T-shirt collection made from organic cotton that materialised a narrative between Soil, Food & Fashion by displaying ‘Nutritive’ words. Through my research I discovered that ‘Nutrition’ was a connector of the three subject matters I was interested in.

1. I think you did

2. I feel like I would have wanted to SEE more evidence of the research methods (more pics, video, etc)

3. yes

4. yes

5. honestly what helped me the most was showing what I had done though clear evidence, and my biggest mistake was trying to put everything in. It is important to acknowledge what was most important. So: evidence but carefully picked.

Hello its been quite awhile... and as always, your videos are fantastic!

Saw and read the videos and blogs for a number of times.

So, let me address your questions briefly;

1. Do you think I have covered a variety of research methods?

- yes you did, the only thing that is missing that can be substantiated is a blog that explains the failure, hits and misses and the LEARNINGS obtained from each research milestone. Its nice that you have a lot of information in the learning log which is nice, all you need to do is make the learning points really OBVIOUS and easy to see.

2. Is there any type of research, you think I haven’t covered yet?

you've covered more than enough in my opinion, if there's anything that can help you now...its a research method called "scenario-building" because it is futures-oriented. i recommend this because it appears that the question leads to either a criteria, a process as an end product - which can be your final project.

3. Is my current question clear and indicate what my project is about?

honestly, its not too clear because of the words collectively and inadequate - i think you should both substantiate the meaning of both. in this regard, you have an opportunity to identify clearly who your stakeholders are at this point, and what does inadequate coaching means. although we know this in the form of meaningless to the point of shallow advice, i think it would help if you concretize its meaning in order to contrast the solution you are looking for.

4. Is my learning log clear in my progress of research and interventions?

for now, no. So it would help if you can properly label. i will share with you my learning log from last year.

it was easy to navigate because i labeled sections such as questions, interventions etc.

5. Are there any other tips you could give me for the submission of unit 2 I.e. Did you make any mistakes?

in terms of mistakes, i was doing a lot of interventions especially a huge one, but wasnt able to cover the two sides of the coin in due time. although i have to admit i still find it strange until today. why? its because i devoted unit 2 in creating a tourism prototype and it was created in the Philippines, so i had no opportunity yet to measure its applicability for foreign tourists which i hoped to do for unit III back in London. for some reason it was taken against me which is strange nonetheless i got an A- for the term because i was able to EVIDENCE - and this is my tip...provide all EVIDENCES of mistakes, successes, milestones, etc.its because that's where they are going to evaluate you. in short - make your evidences easy to see

here's an example: my unit II presentation

6. What was the best and worst thing you learnt from the transition from unit 2 to 3?

first of all, the line that separates these units are ambiguous. like what i told you, some aspects where aken against me for no reason. in confidence, and pls dont tell anyone, that i find the grading system and the qualitative approach quite ambiguous at best. so, to sum up

- make your EVIDENCES obvious and easy to see - let them know of the CHANGES that are happening - and continue having a good relationship with your tutor

Hi Andy, your project is AMAZING! It really has significant meaning for the whole society. 1. Yes, I saw many research methods in your learning log as well as you mentioned them in your YouTube presentation.

2. I feel like except reading, there are other ways of secondary research. I noticed that you explained the definition of different methods, but actually I am more interested in why you chose these methods and how you gonna do them in the future, also who are the target participants for each method. Maybe You could try to give a specific example for each research method.

3. Yes, it’s very clear for me.

4. Yes, but I think the log’s categories are not easy for me to find what I want to(feedback, reflection, academic research, interventions etc.).

5. Tips: You could try to highlight important information of your learning(different colour, bold font etc. I remember one of our tutor said there are so many students in our course and they don’t have enough time to read every single character of our log, so try to emphasize the key part is essential).

6. It’s a tricky question, I am not sure about The worst thing. The best thing was I just stopped thinking and just did it! I made my thought into practice, I.e: collected feedback and iterated my project.

I hope my answer could help you and stay safe at this tough time! I always make mistakes, which helps me to reflect and improve.

1. Yes. The video link I received was clear & very well formulated. I can see that you have used a variety of methods to help you with your research.

2. I don’t know if Geographical research would be suitable for your work or not but that can be one aspect or act as an extension to your project.

3. I’ve not actually been able to view your question in whole. Though I’ve clearly understood what your research is about but I would suggest you have it written out loud in big as that is something I was told during my time.

4. A small suggestion on this. How about you club similar topics together so that any viewer is able to find them under one category? For eg; interviews & meetings are together, brands, companies or artists are under one etc. I feel this way the tutors as well as other people looking at your log will be able to navigate their way to important sections which give highlights of your research work.

5. Most importantly, in my opinion keep the best highlight of your research for the end of you presentation as it leaves a bigger impact on the tutors. Secondly, always give them pointers (like headings) so that it catches their attention. Thirdly, only disclose what has been done first & then end that with a coming up schedule for future work. Lastly, visual imagery is a must. They are more interested to see live work & experiences that your have lived to imply that your learning has been a journey.

6. Best part: always have small chits/ placards ready with key highlights for that specific unit only so that you don’t end up repeating the same thing as you did in your earlier unit. Worst part: Unit 3 involves your one-to-one tutor clubbed with another set of tutor who doesn’t know about your project (only if you have never worked with him/her) can be a bit of a disadvantage as you need to convince them of your research & make them believe in your project.


I decided that I would like a bit of peer mentoring at such a crucial point in my M.A.. This feedback has really given me confidence in my project and of course there is bias there but some great advice too.

I've been able to reflect on some comments and make some adjustments along the way.

Some issues that stood out where that some did not think my question was clear enough and that I should have indicators available to finish on a strong point. 2 also made reference to the aesthetics of my learning log and that perhaps I needed to create different fonts and colours if anyone were to skim read it.

There was also some good advice about scenario building and how I should include more information in how I expect to engage stakeholders. I had included this but I have now made it a lot clearer in my presentation.

Someone also said that I could possibly relate my project to other sectors who have similar themes. This is certainly something I can think about moving into unit 3.

Most people that received the questionnaire responded with very insightful thoughts on and wished me well on the project. I am happy that most that participated in the questionnaire feel that they have a good understanding of what my project is about and what I want to do.

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